The Background
The migrant workers, the constituents of China's "floating population" (流动人口), are the reason for the urban metamorphosis. Having migrated from the rural areas of China to the cities for work, these migrant laborers are largely underpaid, under-appreciated, and overworked. Stories of their lives, in which they work for little or nothing at all, have slowly surfaced into local and international news but only among those who are interested. The aim of this blog, therefore, is to promote awareness of their situation to the general public, and allow others to see what China's economic backbone truly consists of.
Urbanization in China - Who are the Migrant Laborers?
China's urbanization policy is one that aims to highly restrict internal migration. Using the hukou (户口) system of internal passports, in which each individual is given a rural or urban hukou that determines the legal and often binding area to which they must live, the Chinese government prevents massive migrations of country workers into the city from occurring. Nevertheless, the internal migrant labor migration is enormous, as the youth of the countryside often enter the cities illegally to work as migrant laborers; their occupations consist of factory workers, construction site workers, nannies and babysitters (保姆 baomu), hostesses and sex workers, among others. Migrant workers often go to large industrial cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, and Shenzhen to search for employment; the money they earn is sent to the families they have back home. and the little they have leftover is used or saved at their own leisure. More often than not, migrant workers, especially females, willingly spend their money and remake their physical appearance in order to appear like a native urbanite; in doing so, they are able to display their sophistication and attempt to mingle with the urbanites using consumerism as their leverage. |
Evolution of the Hukou

The History of Guangzhou's Chengzhongcun

Guangzhou's Social Inequalities
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A construction worker demolishing migrant slums. The image shows the average housing size a migrant is able to afford. (LIFE) |
The aggregate of creating smaller villages in order to "kick" them out of the city defines the Chinese societal ladder as one that has missing rungs. With the pursuit of new smaller cities instead of housing these citizens in a mega city supporting all of its residents, the government has issued a statement saying these migrants are second class citizens and will continue to stay that way, thereby eliminating the need for government effort in order to "support" them in health, insurance, or education benefits. This erroneous policy, while it has served the older generation as their needs weren't apparent in staying in the city, needs to change in order to accommodate the new generation, staking their future on lives in a city unwilling to accept them. Even those with college degrees from their province or city have only become white collar workers, not yet equivalent to the middle class.
While the older generation worked fields until they decided coming to cities and factory work was more financially stable compared to agriculture, while the new generation simply comes to the city for business and promising opportunities, as they lack the knowledge in working on a farm. Given this, the new generation's access to magazines, the Internet, and an pop-culture infused media has fueled the need to vie into materialism and what other people have instead of staying content with what they have. Metropolises look more appealing to this generation because that's what's portrayed on TV, sprawling homes with luxurious cars and rich decoration, but migrants are "forced" to live in apartments barely 10 meters squared, with 38.4% of total migrants in Guangzhou living in less than 5 meters squared.
Gransow, Bettina. "Slum Formation or Urban Innovation? – Migrant Communities and Social Change in Chinese Megacities." Freie Universität Berlin and Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, P.R. China. Print.
Guangzhou's East Asian Games Urbanization

Guanzhou residents unwilling to relinquish Rural Hukou in exchange for Urban Hukou
Guangzhou's Advancement in Migrant Treatment
Guangzhou, another megacity (more than 10 million residents) has their share of migrant abuse. In 2008, once rural migrants entered the city, they were met with "informlisation", "relationships that are not regulated contractually, or legitimised by legal frameworks, but instead are based in large part on personal relations or social networks". Bordering on "illegals" with this issue, migrants are also asked to produce an irrational amount of papers including residence permits, work permits, employment registrations, and family planning certificates. Within these three are necessary in order to avoid deportation, the "three-without population"(sanwurenyuan), a valid ID, housing, and regular income. If a migrant were to lack these three essentials, he would be taken in to be deported (shourong qiansong zhidu), a measure not only used for "getting rid" of migrants, but also as a way for authorities to make money as they hold migrants for "ransom".
In 2003, Sun Zhigang, died from this practice as he was unprepared for paper checks and was thrown in jail for this crime. As this outraged the population, the Chinese government has since rescinded this practice. The Chinese governments view of these migrants as an "economic" force instead of actual citizens with civil rights has led to the disproportionate treatment of urban and rural residents. Now, the government, has to some extent tried to cooperate with migrant families due to realizing this. In 2006 residence statuses were starting to be legalized after numerous appeals to the government, resulting in the "Migrant Worker Problem Meeting", resulting in the practice of metting out easier sentences toward those without rural Hukous.
Gransow, Bettina. "Slum Formation or Urban Innovation? – Migrant Communities and Social Change in Chinese Megacities." Freie Universität Berlin and Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, P.R. China. Print.